Awesome Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka is a popular technology that helps us implement Event Architectures. This GitHub repository has a range of videos, articles, and much more...
Awesome Domain-Driven Design
Domain-Driven Design plays a key part when we design our Event Architectures. This GitHub repository has a range of videos, articles, and much more...
Creating event-driven microservices: the why, how and what • Andrew Schofield • Devoxx 2019
Andrew Schofield talks us through a high level view of Event Architectures and has some great reasons why we might consider them.
Event-Driven Microservices, the Sense, the Non-sense and a Way Forward • Allard Buijze • GOTO 2019
Allard Buijze gives us a great talk at GOTO and talks us through various event-driven patterns.
I build Applications - Event-driven Architecture • Danilo Poccia • AWS Summit Online 2020
Danilo Poccia from AWS gives us a talk about how to transition from API to Events, and customer case studies.
Moving to event-driven architectures • Tim Bray • AWS re:Invent 2019
Tim Bray from AWS gives an amazing talk about moving to event-driven architectures.
The Many Meanings of Event-Driven Architecture • Martin Fowler • GOTO 2017
In this talk, Martin Fowler presents a summary of the most common patterns of EDA: Event Notification, Event-carried State Transfer, Event Sourcing, and CQRS.
What is Event Driven Architecture?
IBM give us a detailed guide on what is Event Driven Architecture.
What is Event Driven Architecture? • Whitney Lee
In this lightboard video, Whitney Lee from IBM Cloud, visually breaks down the answers to these questions and many more, as well as explains the several advantages and opportunities that an event driven architecture provides for developers and organizations in comparison to a request/response application architecture.